Clementia Life Centre Operations
In the wake of the ongoing civil war in Syria, millions of refugees have fled to surrounding countries. Over one million Syrian refugees have been living in Lebanon, many of whom are unable to work, provide basic necessities for their families, or education for their children. Although Lebanon provides free education for Syrian refugee children, there are a limited number of spaces available and many children are going without a formal education. To help meet some of this need, the Clementia Life Centre (CLC) provides free education for refugee children, including a lunch time meal, excellent teachers and support staff, and the opportunity to hear the Gospel and learn about Jesus’ love for them.
You can help ensure the CLC will be able to continue to provide excellent quality education to their students by supporting the operational costs.
Pray that the love of Christ would touch the hearts of students who attend the Clementia Learning Centre in a real way, and that the education they receive would give them hope for a bright future.
Project overseers: Bechara and Roula Karkafi