The President and National Council cast vision for The Fellowship. Each year, Fellowship churches send delegates (messengers) to our annual Fellowship National Conference (FNC), The Fellowship's final decision-making body. The National Conference (FNC) is also an excellent opportunity for learning and networking with fellow pastors and laypeople from across the country.
The Fellowship administers a number of departments to assist local churches, funded by donations and bequests given to our national body. Our Pension and Group Benefits plans are administered nationally for participating churches, giving our pastors, missionaries, chaplains, and their families access to affordable insurance coverage.
Fellowship National provides a wide variety of opportunities for churches to fulfill the Great Commission, including international, Francophone, and chaplaincy ministries. Fellowship International partners with churches to reach lost people and establish catalyzing movements globally. Within Canada, Francophone ministries are helping take the Gospel to Francophone Canadians, the least-reached people-group in North America, while Fellowship Chaplaincy seeks to enable chaplains to demonstrate the love of Christ where people live and work.
Humanitarian Relief
FAIR (Fellowship Aid and International Relief) exists to alleviate human suffering and social injustice, and seeks to be the key channel through which Fellowship churches provide humanitarian aid in Christ's name.
The Fellowship Services department ensures the highest standards of Biblical stewardship, accounting best practices, and donor interaction. They also offer relevant services such as health and pension plans to our member churches, church staff, missionaries, National and Regional office employees.
The majority of interactions between The Fellowship and local churches are accomplished through our Regions. Major Regional responsibilities include church planting and providing training and support for pastors and other church leaders.
Church Planting
Fellowship Regions assist local churches with recruiting, training, resourcing, and coaching in the church planting process. As a movement, we are committed to planting churches that impact our culture.
Church Health
Fellowship Regions serve the local church by offering tools that help nurture and cultivate vibrant, spiritual communities. One of the key tools used by Regional representatives in assisting with church health is through church consultations.
Leadership Development
Fellowship Regions are committed to helping churches raise up and equip effective leaders, providing resources and opportunities so that they can, in turn, help others grow.
The Fellowship exists for the benefit of our churches, not the other way around. Together we will embrace the challenges and opportunities facing us as we minister to our nation and the world.
Click to view the Support for Fellowship Churches brochure, which identifies how our National and Regional ministries collaborate to support each Fellowship Baptist church.