FAIR Appeals

Brazil Flood Relief
Emergency appeal!

Brazil Flood Relief

PROJECT #: 3446

The Emergency

Heavy rains over the months of April and May 2024 have caused severe flooding in the Rio Grande do Sul state in the southern region of Brazil. Over 86% of the state has been affected by the flooding, leaving more than 100 people dead (including children), and hundreds of thousands displaced. Many others have been impacted by loss of utilities and access to necessities. The need is expected to continue to grow as rain is still in the forecast (reported by Reuters). Brazilian Baptist missionary Walter Azevedo describes the situation as “a war scenario never seen in the history of Rio Grande do Sul. The waters rose frighteningly. Cry out to the Lord for us.”

The Need

The region most impacted by the flooding has been cut off from essential utilities like water and power. Flooding in roads has also blocked streets and closed businesses, reducing access to essential goods and services. Many have been forced to leave their homes due to the flooding, and need emergency shelter and services.

There is currently an urgent need for water, blankets, sheets, towels, hygiene kits, clothes of all sizes, jet washers, cleaning products, and trash bags, as well as many other items. As the waters recede, it will also be necessary to mobilize and support volunteers to clean the houses, as well as provide emotional and spiritual support for those who are suffering. Financial resources are also needed to help them rebuild their lives, especially those who lost everything.

Responding to the Need

In response to the enormous need in Brazil, FAIR will be working with the Brazilian Baptist Convention as they coordinate local church relief efforts. There are 41 Brazilian church planters working tirelessly to meet peoples’ needs in each affected city. Local churches are serving as places of refuge for those forced to flee flooded homes. They are distributing meals, clothes, and personal hygiene items, and are mobilizing volunteers to help clean houses and serve the practical and emotional needs of those in crisis.

Funds raised through FAIR’s Brazil Flood Relief emergency appeal will empower these local churches to demonstrate the love of Christ in these tangible ways.

Would you consider how the Lord is calling you to respond to this great need?