FAIR Catalogue Projects

Mobile Dental Clinic

Mobile Dental Clinic

PROJECT #: 3225

Who would imagine that a dentist's drill could be an instrument of redemption? The people in rural Cambodia are poor. The cost of dental care is well beyond their means. In addition, community health centers do not have nurses specializing in dentistry on staff and there is little dental equipment available. All of these factors make the FAIR-funded mobile dental clinic, operated by Oeut and Nhep Pech, a unique opportunity for meeting significant needs and building bridges into the lives of those who do not know Christ.

Distribution of toothpaste and brushes to help as preventive measures also serve to demonstrate the practical side of Christ's love for the needy in this country. Your contribution to the mobile dental clinic project aids in the expansion of the Gospel in regions where Christ is not known.

Cost: $12 per patient

Pray that God would prepare the hearts of those who attend mobile dental clinics to be open to hearing the Gospel.

Project overseers: Ouet and Nhep Pech