Significant Dates:
∙ Appointed for ministry with Fellowship International in 2019.
It is from a backdrop of longstanding civil unrest and following the devastating tsunami that struck Sri Lanka in 2004 that Ronald’s work began. The tsunami killed over 35,000 Sri Lankans, left tens of thousands of families homeless, and thousands of children were orphaned.
Ronald writes, “Our desire is to instill hope, peace, unity, and inner joy under the umbrella of Christ's love to needy communities, by providing holistic care in tangible ways. Being fully aware that education and Christian faith are two key components for children to reach their God-given potential, we established and helped fund the construction of Christian education facilities in three Sri Lankan villages in war-torn regions. In partnership with Lanka Bible College and Seminary, we provide 'lay leadership training' for Christian workers who cannot afford to attend formal education.” Most students come from remote areas, working either as pastors, elders trained to be pastors, or Christian workers. As a part time missionary, Ronald visits the field bi-annually to monitor, evaluate, encourage, and provide theological and pastoral training.