![Empowering the Nations](https://fellowship.sunergo.net/graphics/sd_feb/funds/dsfd849.jpg)
Empowering the Nations
What would you do to see a disciple-making movement take place in your nation? Fellowship International missionaries and workers have a vision to see this very thing happen in the nations where they serve. Whether it is in Colombia, Indonesia, Western Africa, or Middle East/North Africa regions, missionaries are working to spark movements of disciples who don't keep the Gospel to themselves, but share it with those around them, empowering people to lead others to Christ. Fellowship International's vision is to raise up national leaders in these countries who speak the language, know the culture, and are able to best communicate the Gospel with others.
This summer, Fellowship International has a goal to raise $60,000 to be shared amongst four specific projects to help our missionaries move forward in fulfilling this vision.
Stronger Together Plus
Project overseers: Bechara and Roula Karkafi
In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Bechara and Roula Karkafi have spent years forming relationships with and ministering to locals with a vision to see a church of disciple-makers planting churches of more disciple-makers for God's glory.
As local leaders are trained, this vision is realized in six areas: impacting, influencing, training, equipping, coaching, and partnering. All of these areas work together to see nationals become disciple-makers. Project funds will be used in the establishing of disciple-making movements in 24 countries across the MENA region, empowering disciple-making churches to plant more disciple-making churches for God's glory.
Granizal Soccer Ministry
Project overseers: Diego and Claudia Cardona
In Colombia, Diego and Claudia are seeking to make disciples through a ministry focused in Granizal, an impoverished neighbourhood of Medellín affected by violence. In partnership with El Redil Baptist churches, they provide humanitarian aid and preach the Gospel of reconciliation with a heart to make disciples. Through the Granizal Girls' Soccer League, girls are empowered as they discover their talents, learn to be a part of a team, gain invaluable life skills, and experience Christ's love in a safe community. They are discipled by team members so they can, with the Holy Spirit, break the cycles of drug addiction, abuse, and prostitution so prevalent in their families.
The Spice Islands
Project overseer: Edwin Karwur
In Indonesia, Edwin Karwur and his team are focused in North Maluku, known as the 'Spice Islands'. With a population of 1.4 million, the island is home to 25 unreached people groups. While the existing churches on the island desire to reach these people with the Gospel of Christ, their resources are not enough to do so on their own. This year, Edwin and a team of Indonesians will travel to North Maluku to provide encouragement, training, and resources to these churches, with future trips to follow. Through these ongoing partnerships, their vision is to empower the local church to create a sustainable disciple-making movement (DMM) that will spread throughout the island.
Save an Eye, Save Lives
Project overseer: Richard Flemming
In Western Africa, Richard Flemming works with Jerry, a local pastor who, by the grace of God, has already seen a disciple-making movement begin in his home country. He recently moved to a neighbouring country with the hopes of seeing this movement multiply. Jerry and his team currently operate Save an Eye, Save Lives, a medical evangelism project that provides access to pharmaceuticals, ophthalmologists, and physicians to several communities. Those who attend the clinic are invited to join in prayer and hear the Gospel. The team uses prayer to find clients who are open to the Gospel. These people are invited to hear the Gospel, join Discovery Bible Studies, and be trained in making disciples. The vision is that within 20 years, they will see 1,500 house churches planted and the nation transformed.
Would you consider giving today? Your support will enable our missionaries to fund these projects which focus on empowering ordinary people with the authority of God's Word and His Holy Spirit with an outcome to see people discipled and, in turn, make disciples of Christ.