Join the team, and train national leaders

Ninety-five percent of pastors worldwide have no formal training (Joshua Project); therefore we need a church-based solution for leadership development.
Our Fellowship International department has one solution – LeadersFormation.
We partner Fellowship pastors and leaders as a team to train national leaders in countries where formal theological education is not available or possible.
We have the tools and the proven method. We provide you with the materials, training, and ongoing team support to effectively train a cohort of national pastors/leaders. Do you want to experience ministry in a cross-cultural setting?
Then prayerfully consider connecting with Fellowship International’s LeadersFormation Coordinator, Rev. Paul Harbourne. Paul also serves as Lead Pastor at Fellowship Baptist Church in Collingwood, ON.
I recently asked Paul to comment on several LeadersFormation projects.
LeadersFormation Report
“LeadersFormation, a ministry of The Fellowship, has the blessing of being able to help meet the enormous need to develop leaders in areas of the world where the growth of the church is outpacing the development of church leaders.
“At a recent congress in Panama, I joined a group of 600 trainers of pastors from 73 countries and many training organizations that gathered for a week of challenge and encouragement. We were reminded of the startling statistic that almost 95% of pastors worldwide will receive no formal training or will be undertrained to be effective pastors. Imagine what Canada would be like if nine out of ten pastors never attended Bible college or seminary. It was encouraging to see others serving in similar ways as LeadersFormation. It was agreed that organizations like LeadersFormation are the key to meeting this need. I was also able to lead a workshop called ‘Leading and Serving a Congregation’ on two different days.
“We have recently completed projects in Nigeria and Dominica. These projects have brought several of our Fellowship churches and pastors together over a shared vision to train national pastors. The Nigeria group finished during the COVID pandemic with our Canadian pastors joining via Zoom when no one was flying anywhere.
“The Dominica project was recently completed with a great graduation celebration of these pastors in February. Pastor Dennis Campbell and Hannibal Muhtar were able to attend the graduation and encourage the pastors to keep engaged in training more leaders in their churches.
“Even now these 40+ pastors from these projects are taking what they learned and experienced and have started developing the next generation of leadership in local churches in their regions. What a blessing to see them continue with such excitement and passion.
“Currently we have three projects underway. The Kenya Project will conclude in 2024 and 21 more pastors will graduate at the end of the year! We need dozens more partners from our Fellowship churches to join with us to meet this incredible need and to make sure the Uganda and Philippines projects are successful. These 62 leaders are eager to learn and need our assistance.
“Our previous projects have seen hundreds of church leaders trained and passing along what they have learned to many hundreds more second-, third-, and even fourth-generation leaders. The task is unfinished and enormous. If you are interested in getting involved in a project or want more information about partnering with us, please email me at”
Thank you, Paul, for this encouraging report. Please consider contacting Paul to gain further information on being involved in this exciting ministry opportunity. Imagine spending a week in Africa or Asia or South America with a group of national pastor/leaders—training, coaching, and befriending some choice servants of the Lord. Contact Paul.