Bread for All—URGENT NEED!

On April 15, 2023, armed conflict between the Sudanese military and a Sudanese paramilitary organization called the RSF (Rapid Support Forces) broke out in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. This battle for power and influence has killed hundreds of civilians, and paralyzed food and medical supply chains that were already far from robust. Despite a number of ceasefires, and peace efforts from neighbouring countries and the international community, the fighting continues, and travel into and out of the conflict zone is almost impossible.
The Need:
In Khartoum, families have been forced to stay in their homes, but they are running out of basic supplies like food and water. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled the fighting into other areas of Sudan or by crossing into neighbouring countries. Sudan has a long history of conflict and poverty and so the impact of new and ongoing war will only deepen the poverty experienced by the Sudanese population.
The Response: Fellowship International missionaries, Bechara and Roula Karkafi, are already connected to a local church-planting network in Khartoum through their disciple-making ministry Stronger Together. One of the compassion programs within their ministry is Bread for All which helps provide food and medicines to families in need through the local church. FAIR recently launched the Bread for All Sudan mini-appeal seeking to raise the funds necessary to support 200 vulnerable families with monthly food baskets delivered through a network of church planters.
Providing humanitarian aid in a war zone is difficult. Reports from the country indicate that humanitarian aid organizations are being prevented from helping civilians, even those with whom they were previously connected. FAIR sees this local church network as the best option to acquire and distribute food supports from within the city and amongst those who have fled. Funds raised through the Bread for All Sudan mini-appeal will not only help those who were already in need, but also those most impacted by this new conflict.
Would you consider supporting Bread for All Sudan through the provision of emergency food baskets for the most vulnerable?
- $20 will cover the cost of a food basket for one family
- $4,000 will provide food baskets for 200 families
Join with us as we extend the love of Christ in Sudan.
Pray for courage, wisdom, and safety for the local church as they seek to support their communities in the midst of war. Pray that by meeting the needs of their neighbours in this way, the Gospel will be shared and that hearts would be surrendered to Christ.