President's Blog

The Weight that Slows You Down

I can’t believe I ate the whole thing! Christmas and New Year’s celebrations are over and many of us stood on the weigh-scale this past week. Gulp! Why do I love turkey stuffing so much?! It’s time to shed some weight as we begin the new year. But is that the only “weight” we need to be careful of?


Listen to Hebrews 12:1b (NLT): “…let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us.”


Many of us are being hindered by a “weight” that we have not adequately dealt with. In fact, we have gotten used to it. We’ve stopped seriously battling it and it is “slowing us down” (Hebrews 12:1). For a few of us it has meant a dead stop in the growth and progress of our spiritual life. God says focus on it, and then get rid of it. It may be a habit, a hobby, a past-time, or even a relationship that we need to get rid of. If we’re going to dedicate ourselves wholly to God, it will mean we will have to dump some excess weight. A lot of things are not necessarily wrong in our lives, but they’re also not really necessary. A lot of things keep us from our best.


What’s weighing you down? What do you need to get rid of so that your dedication to God might be complete? Be bold. Be humble. Be proactive. May 2022 be the year you gain victory over that area of sin that consistently weighs you down.