Honduras — Casa Hogar

Two girls smiling

close up of child looking into camera

The situation:

UNICEF estimates that there are 150,000 orphans living in Honduras. Many of these children come from abusive home situations and while they may have families, they have been forced to flee for their own safety. Unfortunately, life on the street makes them vulnerable to hunger, illnesses, violence, and often times, being forced into prostitution.

Project description:

A home for marginalized and vulnerable children and youth rescued from the urban streets of Honduras. The project ensures that the physical, medical, educational, and spiritual needs of each child/youth are provided within a “family” environment, each one receiving nurturing and love, and are treated with dignity and value.

Project goals:

  • Youth prepared with life skills on a healthy spiritual journey to face adulthood in one of the poorest and most violent countries in Latin America.
  • Provide an above-average educational opportunity to prepare a future generation skilled to contribute to positive change in their sphere of influence.

Ministry facts:

  • Casa Hogar is located on a seven-acre rural property.
  • The home is duly recognized by the Honduran authorities and works in conjunction with them at all times.
  • FAIR, through Fellowship International missionary, Melodie Francis, and with the financial support of Fellowship churches, has been involved at Casa Hogar for over ten years.
  • Currently 38 children and youth spanning in age from two years to 21 years old benefit from the project.


Sponsor a Child:

Click here to sponsor a child.

Church Partnership:

Click here for information on establishing a church partnership with Casa Hogar.