Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions.
What are Catalyzing Movements (CM)?
Catalyzing Movements exist when churches plant multiple churches (>100 churches within a few short years), through Gospel activity, that has abundant fruit among the lost, that multiplies these disciples (people growing in obedience to all of Jesus’ commands), who in turn replicate themselves in others, so that we can see at least four generations regularly produced in multiple streams of disciple making activity and these streams multiply consistently into churches.[1]
Practitioners desiring to see God create Catalyzing Movements engage in fruitful practices that result in groups of Christ-followers who seek to multiply disciple-makers through the power of His Holy Spirit — both around the block and around the world —resulting in a movement of reproducing churches that are defined as Christ-centered groups with leaders who multiply disciple makers.[2]
For more information about CM, visit the Resources section of the Fellowship International website.
[2] Adapted from Can Kingdom Movement Strategies Work in North America? Dr. Curtis Sergeant, Doug Lucas and Dr. David Garrison, Mission Frontiers January 01, 2021
What are the requirements to apply with Fellowship International?
We consider all our candidate applications individually and in the context of their desired field of service and experience. A demonstrated understanding of the Scripture and how to apply it is essential before deployment. During the discernment process, we may recommend and/or provide additional training. One of our values is to encourage our personnel to be lifelong learners.
How do I apply?
We first require that you fill out our Preliminary Questionnaire.
Do I have to raise support? How much?
All Fellowship International missionaries are required to raise their own support. We walk with our personnel through an intentional plan called “Partner Raising”. Support needs vary depending on location and length of service.
How much of my donation goes to the missionary?
There is a 15% administration fee on all donations. This fee covers all services provided to the missionary. There are no other hidden fees.
How do I find out the support needs of Fellowship International missionaries?
If you would like to know the support needs for a specific missionary, please contact Fellowship International.
How is Fellowship International different from other mission organizations?
Fellowship International is the sending mission agency for Fellowship Baptist churches across Canada. We are your gateway to the nations. In order to serve with Fellowship International you must be part of a Fellowship church.
How can I pray for Fellowship International missionaries?
There are two resources that assist in praying for our missionary personnel. The first is Prayer Partners. This publication is produced every month and provides specific requests for our missionaries as well as other Fellowship workers. You can download a copy or request a print version by contacting our office. You may also wish to request a copy of “Reflections”, a booklet produced annually that provides highlights and updates from our missionaries. Both of these are great resources to use in a church or small group setting, as a family, or on your own.
How do I receive missionary prayer/newsletters?
If you would like to subscribe to a specific missionary’s prayer/newsletter please contact our office.
Can Fellowship International come to our church to provide a presentation on missions?
Absolutely! We value visiting our Fellowship churches to share news about what God is doing around the world through Fellowship International. Please contact our office for more information.