Current Initiative

Baptist Builder—
Calvary Baptist Church, Edmonton, AB


Appeal: #247

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, Calvary Baptist Church in Edmonton, AB, as was the case with many churches during that time, began experiencing a significant departure of adherents and members. At the lowest in 2021, approximately only 17 people were attending services.

Since that time, the church has been encouraged by the growth seen in new believers and the commitment of mature, seasoned believers who have built into the life of the church. Although this rebuilding comes with pain, the congregation has been blessed by God’s grace as they have grown both in their walk with Him, and numerically as Sunday service attendance has grown to 60-80.

The church’s vision—to be a family of believers who celebrate the life-changing grace of Christ—is emphasized in the various church ministries. In addition to Sunday morning services, a high number of members are now involved in home groups and discipleship programs, and everyone is encouraged to be involved in the life of the church. As they continue to grow numerically, the leadership seeks to ensure all those who are a part of the church have the opportunity to grow in their walk with Christ and become a valued part of the authentic community at Calvary.

Located in an area of Edmonton with a high percentage of young professional families, the opportunities to reach the community for Christ are endless. The Calvary Baptist building, constructed in 1959, with an addition in 1971, needs renovation to prevent further deterioration and to make it useful for years to come. Among the items needing updating and repair are: carpeting in the basement; kitchen renovation; and new windows, siding, and doors.

The goal of the church leadership is to not enlarge the church structure, but to focus on maximizing the existing space. They also desire to see other groups within the community making use of the building throughout the week. By being “salt and light” in their spheres of influence, Calvary’s prayerful desire is to see others join them in the journey towards the life-changing grace of Christ.

Thank you for prayerfully considering how the Lord would have you partner with Calvary Baptist through this Baptist Builder appeal.

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