Julianna’s interest in missions began in summer 2022 when God opened her eyes to the people around the world who have never heard the Gospel. She sensed God nudging her to have an active role in ensuring the Good News of Christ is shared with those who have not yet heard or responded. The more Julianna prayed about this and sought counsel from those around her, the more she felt God calling her into full-time missions. While exploring different ways that she could be involved, doors began to open. Pastors in her church told her about the Launch program. Also, because of a personal, growing passion for the Spanish language and culture, and then hearing about the Fellowship’s ministry there, Julianna was led to consider serving in Colombia.
While in Colombia, Julianna will be mentored under the leadership of Fellowship International missionaries Diego and Claudia Cardona. She will serve at one of the El Redil churches, helping in various ministries. Her main role will be discipleship, in addition to helping other ministries where needed, including using English as a way to connect with people.
God has been growing Julianna’s heart for evangelism and discipleship over this past year and has provided many opportunities for her to grow in these areas. During her time in Colombia, she hopes to grow even closer to the Lord so that He would be reflected in all that she does.
Julianna writes, “I really want to go wherever God is calling me to go and serve Him and love Him with my life. He has given me a passion to reach people who don’t know Him, and I am excited to see how He will use that passion to further His Kingdom and glorify His name. “