Karim and Rita
Significant Dates:
∙ Appointed to serve in Beirut, Lebanon, 2011.
Karim and Rita oversee the ministry at Cedar Home for Girls, a home for orphaned, 'at-risk', abandoned, and Syrian refugee girls. The home's motto, “A better chance for a better future,” is at the core of what they and their staff of three do day in and day out, as they lavish the girls with Christian love, security, and a home environment. No matter the religious background or ethnicity, they are accepted and loved unconditionally. In his role as Executive Director of the home, Karim is in charge of the business side of the organization; Rita is in charge of the overall upbringing of the girls, and together they handle the discipleship and mentoring program for those living in the home. Karim and Rita's daughters, Neomi and Naya, play a huge role in the effectiveness of the ministry as a family where they befriend all the new girls and make them feel at home.