We Work for a Global, Intergalactic Enterprise with Outlets Everywhere!
This Sunday, let’s all visit our churches with the intention of carefully looking at our church family. Stop a moment. Look carefully at the faces of your brothers and sisters and reflect on that believer as a beautiful image-bearer of God Himself. A child of God. The joyous expressed manifestation of God’s image.
“For we are God’s masterpiece,” the Apostle Paul declares, created anew to “do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
The Church, God’s children, is the beautiful bride of Christ. For generations, the Church has continued to make an amazing impact in our fallen world. Let’s never sell short what the Church can accomplish for good as we live surrendered lives and humbly step out to touch lives with the love of Jesus.
It’s too easy to complain about the Church. It’s made up of sinners who do stupid things. Let’s curb the temptation to criticize; rather let’s celebrate the Church and its wonders. So much good has been done in the Name of Christ in the past, present, and our collective futures. Start looking for it and rejoice in it!
A Modern-Day Description of the Church
My daughter sent me a video of a pastor explaining how he described the Church to a passenger he was sitting beside during a flight.
The passenger asked him, “So what do you do for a living?” We all know saying, “I’m a pastor” or “chaplain” or “missionary” can conjure up all kinds of thoughts, images, and misunderstandings. The walls often go up against any further conversation.
Listen to what he said to an airplane passenger about what he did for a living:
“I work for a global enterprise!”
She said, “Do you!?”
The pastor continued, “Yes I do, we’ve got outlets in every country of the world.”
She said, “Have you!!?”
The pastor continued, “Yes. We have hospitals, hospices, and homeless shelters. We do marriage work, we’ve got orphanages, we’ve got feeding programs, educational programs, and so much more.”
He continued, “We do all sorts of justice and reconciliation work. We basically look after people from birth to death and… we basically deal in the area of behavioural alteration.”
The passenger was dumbfounded and said, “WOW!!!”
So loud was her “WOW” that other passengers turned around and looked at the pastor and the passenger.
The passenger looked the pastor straight in his eyes and said, “What is your company called?”
The pastor smiled and said, “It’s called the CHURCH!”
He continued, “We are part of a global enterprise, but not only is it global, it’s intergalactic, because it includes everyone that has gone on before us.”
Let’s celebrate the wonder and beauty of the Church! Why not start this Sunday!