Mission Team Visits, Swimming Lessons, and Other Things

Casa Hogar is a home for marginalized and vulnerable children and youth rescued from the urban streets of Honduras. Learn learn more about the ministry at Casa Hogar.

Highlights from the winter include swimming lessons, Christmas celebrations, and two short-term mission teams. The teams treated the children to pool days, nights around a fire, VBS, devotions, crafts, games, soccer challenges, and a day away at the Labyrinth Park. There they enjoyed “getting lost” in the cypress tree labyrinth in the morning, and, in the afternoon, showing off their newly learned skills in the multiple swimming pools.

Thank you for your faithful prayers during the teams’ travels and their time spent here in Honduras. The travels were definitely NOT without challenges, but the teams took it all in stride and, although they both lost a day in Honduras, it did not take away from the mission for them or the children. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness through all of this and the relationships that were forged and grown.

Pray as we continue to plan for teams in July and November. Praise the Lord for the churches that have reached out with an interest in sending teams in 2025. Pray that these would all bring glory to God and blessing to both the sending churches, and the children and staff at Casa Hogar.

Please continue to pray for the need for a consistent water supply. Casa Hogar is using both well water and “mountain” or community water and there are some days that they are still in limited supply.

Praise the Lord that Cesar’s wrist has healed and he is now using it as if nothing had happened. Pray for continued health and safety as the kids are in school and that means catching the viruses that are going around.
Praise the Lord for the work that Melodie Francis does at Casa Hogar, advocating for the children to get them into appropriate schools for their learning experience. With the four new children arriving in December, she was busy in January getting them all enrolled for the 2024 school year. She also got some of the older teens into technical schools that will help them learn skills that can be used when they graduate.

Please pray for the children as they are in school, studying and doing homework. Pray for the Tias (Honduran ladies that work at Casa Hogar) and staff as they assist the children with their homework. Pray that they would have the wisdom and patience needed to help and encourage the children’s learning.

Continue to pray for the need for more local staff and missionary couples for Casa Hogar. Pray for us (Rick and Ena) as we returned to Canada in mid-March. This time in Canada will also include a short trip back to Honduras in June/July before returning for the usual six-month period in October for the winter.

We give thanks for the continued increase in child sponsorships for the children at Casa Hogar. Thank you to everyone connected with Casa Hogar; your prayers are felt and appreciated. Always remember and be encouraged because you are prayed for daily by the children at Casa Hogar.