President's Blog

The Art of Fostering Interdependence

Our Fellowship’s “Statement of Faith” states that the local church is, “a sovereign, independent  body…” No argument there. Our autonomy is part of our identity as a Fellowship of churches.

However, how is this autonomy supposed to work?  I ate lunch in Calgary several years ago and sat with an elder from one of our Fellowship churches. Mike asked me if I knew what, “autindiginy” meant.  I had to admit I had never heard the term.  He sent me the following in an email:

AUTINDIGINY.AUTINDIGINOUS:  A characteristic of the first century church (and should characterize the present day church). Autonomous assemblies of believers where leadership was developed from within the body.

Although local bodies retained their independence, in practice there was a unity throughout the fellowship of churches in adherence to the Gospel. This was fostered by an INTERDEPENDENCE.

Leadership “giftings” were developed indigenously—fulfilling the mandate of Ephesians 4 (every believer motivated to maturity). These gifts were recognized when they began to function and were appointed to public service by the apostles.

Hmmmm…does this characterize our Fellowship of churches? Before you point fingers, ask yourself, “When was the last time you or your church did something for another local church or church leaders that brought no visible benefit to you or your church?”  Interdependence…something to think about.  Autonomous bodies functioning like they’re completely dependent on the Lord, but also on one another to get the mission accomplished. Yes, something to ponder while we eat our “Wheaties” tomorrow morning.