Bringing Medical Care to the Amazon

Deep in the heart of the Amazon in the Igara Parana River and Leticia Region communities, it is difficult to get medical care. In the case of a medical emergency, the Colombian Air Force is needed to airlift a patient to a faraway hospital for treatment. Nine years ago, Medical Ministry International (MMI) established a local team of medical professionals to start to provide care for these communities. Soon afterwards, they started sending teams of volunteers from Canada and the USA.

Inspired by the work of MMI, FAIR established a new partnership with them earlier this year to better involve Fellowship churches in this important work.

The MMI Amazon team is passionately fulfilling the commandment of Jesus, as described in Luke 9:2, “He sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” The consistent work and presence of MMI Amazon over the years has created an openness for the team to share the Gospel.

This initiative in the Amazon is a tangible way you and your church can help MMI meet the medical and spiritual needs of the people in these communities. There are opportunities to both give and volunteer. Click here to learn more.