
Ministry During a Pandemic

The term ‘unreached people groups’ ought to stir the hearts of believers; I know it stirs something in mine! The sheer scope of our mission challenge could easily discourage us were it not for new strategies today that are suitable to the task. Without question, disciple-making movements (DMMs) is one of these new ways that God is using to reach the unreached, and the COVID-19 pandemic is facilitating that work. Given that the current situation would not allow us to return to the Congo in July as planned, in mid-April, when I received the request from our friends there to provide DMM training, I gladly agreed. Jacques and Rose in Kinshasa want to use DMM to reach the Pygmies in an area some 900 kilometres away. Matthieu already has been implementing DMM practices. However, he is eager to learn more as he desires to see this expanded in his church planting efforts in the capital and eventually elsewhere. To my surprise, a fourth was added to this group (his name is Jerry) who is church planting among three unreached people groups in Mali. What an incredible privilege I have each Wednesday to communicate with these servants of God during a two-hour video call. Please pray that God would facilitate their work in reaching the unreached!