What a Shoe Can Do

We’re very blessed to live in North America. Most Canadians don’t have to worry about accessing necessities like clothing or shoes, even if they’re not always new. There are many programs set up to help those who can’t buy these things for themselves.

Obviously poverty in Canada is more complex than how available items are. But imagine for a moment how much more complex it is in a country where the cost of living has risen far beyond what the average family can afford. Today’s story comes from Venezuela through the ministry of the Lifeline project — a country in political and economic crisis. It highlights beautifully the spiritual impact that can come from meeting “small”, practical needs.

Meet Gustavo.

Gustavo used to live under a bridge. He would eat from the trash and was headed nowhere fast. Then two years ago he showed up as a local Venezuelan church passed out food. By the end of the message, he was hooked.

He tells the story of how someone invited him to church, but he had no shoes.  He woke up on Sunday and remembered the talk, which was about asking God for our needs.  Not knowing the “rules”, he asked for Sunday shoes.  He swears that within one hour, someone had dumped three bags of trash next to his bridge. In one of the bags he found a new pair of shoes, still in their box. They fit him perfectly. He’s been a regular at church ever since.

It’s amazing how often the Bible talks of feet and shoes. And even today, God shows His power through this local church’s street ministry when in an assortment of shoes, they can find the perfect pair for a person (or family) who needs them.  Feet are very individual. Only God can connect needy feet with randomly donated shoes and make it a perfect match. But over and over He does!

You can learn more about how the Lifeline (Venezuela) project is helping the local church as they minister to their community by clicking here.