Better than the Sears Wish Book!

Once upon a time the arrival of the Sears Wish Book was a much anticipated event that occurred every Fall in many households in Canada. That arrival led to hours spent perusing pages filled with everything anyone could want (or wish for) for Christmas. Kids picked out the latest toys. Moms looked for socks, shirts, and pajamas for all the needy folks in the family. Dads tried to figure out what their spouse might want that didn’t involve (she hoped) a kitchen appliance or cleaning tool. The Sears Wish Book was all about us.

FAIR has a “wish book”, the FAIR Catalogue, that is all about others — suggestions on projects that our Fellowship family can peruse as its members look for ideas on how to help others in practical ways that will express the love of Christ and build a platform for the Gospel.  

Variety was the “spice of life” in the Sears Wish Book. You could get just about everything you might desire. The FAIR Catalogue also contains a variety of projects, at least one of which is destined to touch your heart! Most of these projects are overseen by Fellowship International missionaries working on the ground in these countries of opportunity. Here are just a few of the projects you will find in our FAIR “wish book.”

  • Feeding children in Haiti
  • Providing education for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon
  • Aiding pastors’ widows in Congo
  • Skills-training for women in the slums of Kolkata, India
  • Support of FAIR’s mobile dental clinic in Cambodia
  • Sustaining the ministry and outreach of a hospital in Pakistan
  • Maintaining a home for street children in Honduras
  • Ministry to the deaf in Colombia
  • Helping Japanese believers meet the needs of the poor in the Philippines
  • Providing resources for a community garden in Spain

There are so many ways to lend a helping hand through FAIR. Each one comes with the assurance that every project is a platform for the Gospel in that particular country and among those particular people.

The Sears Wish Book is gone but the FAIR catalogue, found online at: www.fellowship.ca/FAIRcatalogue, is constantly updated and expanded. Two times a year a printed supplement to the catalogue is made available upon request through the Fellowship Ministry Centre. (www.fellowship.ca/ContactFAIR)