A Stitch in Time

Living standards in Sri Lanka are low. According to World Bank figures from 2013, 45 percent of the population lives on less than $5 per day. That's about what rural workers labouring on tea plantations will make, when there is work. There is never enough to feed, clothe, and plan ahead for the future of a growing family.

Love Trust Sri Lanka has one simple solution to help address a complex problem. It may not solve all those complexities but it will help women in rural areas improve their economic situations and make it possible for them to work toward a brighter future for their children.

FAIR's appeal, A Stitch In Time, will provide resources that will allow up to 60 to 80 women each year to receive vocational training in sewing. A four to six month basic course will give graduates enough skills to begin to establish micro-industries. This course is followed by another four to six months of advanced training under expert instructors.

But there is added value to this program, as there is in all the ministries in which FAIR is engaged. In Sri Lanka, local believers minister to participants in these programs, and through them, build relationships with their families and extended network.

There really is no difference between the practical outworking of sewing classes and the spiritual input of the Gospel. While they don't look the same on the surface, the goal is the same—making life better now and for eternity.

FAIR's goal for A Stitch In Time is $15,000. For more information click here.